2007年10月15日 星期一

Love thy neighbor, not thy wealth

This snapshot is showing something utterly disturbing. I view it as more than just a coincidence that the headlines of today’s news consist of these two apparent themes. Rather, it is a microcosm, a reflection, an epitome of the well-being of our city.

On the one hand, we are flood with wealth and the vanity and greed that come along with it. On the other, tragedy is happening way too often to our neighbors. And the most tragic thing is, these tragedies are not inevitable or unpreventable. They are indicators of something truly messed up in our priorities, to say the very least. Enmeshed in wealth and the pursuit of it, have we forgotten about the things that are truly important? Is Hong Kong winning the world and losing its soul? Instead of theorizing (which is a crime I know I commit all the time), let us grieve and reflect on OUR responsibility.

Christian Chan
October 14, 2007
Cambridge, MA, USA
